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Sunday, May 22, 2011

History's greatest socialists:

In October of 2008 the team of George W Bush and Dick Cheney engineered the greatest socialist coup in the history of the world as nearly 5 trillion dollars of tax payer money was transferred unencumbered to a select number of banks, investment banks and insurance companies, without rule, without restriction, without oversight and with no requirement for any sort of accounting or restitution. This 5 trillion dollars was gifted within the course of a few short months.

Today, the Real Economy Project of the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) released an assessment of the total cost to taxpayers of the Wall Street bailout. CMD concludes that multiple federal agencies have disbursed $4.6 trillion dollars in supporting the financial sector since the meltdown in 2007-2008. Of that, $2 trillion is still outstanding. Our tally shows that theFederal Reserve is the real source of the bailout funds.

CMD’s assessment demonstrates that while the press has focused its attention on the $700 billion TARP bill passed by Congress, the Federal Reserve has provided by far the bulk of the funding for the bailout in the form of loans amounting to $3.8 trillion. Little information has been disclosed about what collateral taxpayers have received in return for these loans, sparking theBloomberg news lawsuit covered earlier. CMD also concludes that the bailout is far from over, as the government has active programs authorized to cost up to $2.9 trillion and still has $2 trillion in outstanding investments and loans.

Learn more about the 35 programs included in the CMD tally by visiting our Total Wall Street Bailout Cost Table, which contains links to pages on each bailout program with details including the current balance sheet for each program.

Compare this with Obamacare, whose cost over the next 50 years is estimated at 2 trillion dollars. My Goodness,the arch socialist Obama has a lot to learn from his Republican Masters, if he's ever to approach their talent for Arbitrary Transfer of Wealth.

Even Arch Socialist Ronald Reagan when he transferred wealth to his buddies at the Savings and Loans was only able to muster a paltry 500 billion. Of course, in 1980's dollars that's worth over a trillion of 2011 dollars. So Obama is every bit the socialist equal of Reagan. But you can lump them both together, throw in the Marshall Plan, the Korean War, the Viet Nam War, and the Iraqi War (also courtesy of GW Bush) and you still wouldn't reach the cost of Bush and Cheney's experiment with Socialist Engineering for the Banks.

Of course, to state the obvious, the US has had a CENTRAL BANK - the primary engine of SOCIALIST ENGINEERING - since 1919. This Central Bank engages in CENTRAL PLANNING of the creation, distribution, and flow of MONEY. How is it that it hasn't occurred to everyone that this makes us a socialist republic?

And again, what does this have to do with Gold?

Well, if you have to ask, consider that the people in government currently screaming loudest about socialism and the debt problem are looking to the big spending, social engineering model of Bush Cheney and Reagan as some sort cure.

Maybe you should buy some gold.

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