Billionaires control the US Government, the US Media, the US economy.
A tech billionaire and a social media billionaire have total control over the US government.
X, Truth Social, Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, are all assedts owned and controlled by Billionaires.
Fox, Newsmax, NBC, ABC, Serius, are all assets owned and controlled by Billionaires
Every social messaging platform, every media influencer, every media truth, every product, every art and fashion trend are assets controlled by Billionaires.
That is total control over all discourse, all information, and over the issuance and use of all the units of account and credit that make up the US dollar backed global economy.
So if you want to understand how to invest and you are not a billionaire you have to understand what benefits the billionaire class and then hitch a ride as best you can on to their coat tails.
So what increases the value of all these assets controlled by billionaires?
The value of all of these assets are 100 % driven and 100 % correlated to ever increasing Liquidity.
What is Liquidity?
It is the entire global pool of fiat issued units of financial account: Dollars, Yen, Yuan, Euros, Rubel, etc produced and issued into the global economic system in the form of DEBT INSTRUMENTS.
The Total number of these DEBT/LIQUDITY instruments introduced into the Global Economic System has to increase day over day, month over month, year over year for the Billionaire class to increase its wealth.
And one thing we know for certain about the billionaire class is that their only concern it to increase their wealth.
So they need to increase global liquidity to increase their wealth.
At the same time the ever increasing global liquidity is also exactly the same thing as the ever increasing global debt. Because liquidity is Debt. Debt is Liquidity. Every new dollar. yen, yuan, euro etc is introduced into the global eonomy as a unit of Debt.
And the ever increasing Debt/Liquidity introduced into the global economy is also a unit of Inflation.
As the amount of total Liquidity increases the amount or Units of Liquidity (Dollars, Euro, Yen, Yuan, Rubels etc) needed to buy everything needed to sustain lifestyle: Food, Shelter, Energy, Education, Insurance, products - Increases in cost.
Day over Day, Year over Year everything must get more expensive.
That means that INFLATION is the ultimate driver of the wealth of the Billionaire class.
Inflation simultaeneously destroys the wealth of evey other class other than the Billionaire class.
Of course, there is the grey area of the Super wealthy who have only a few hundred million or perhaps only 50 or 60 million so that inflation simultaneously increases the value of their assets while skyrotting the cost of their lifestyles - so that they ultimately tread water in what is a very satisfactory place.
Everyone else goes slowly broke because the cost of their lifestyle increases faster than the savings required to accumulate assets.
So the Billionaire class is faced with a very tricky narrative that they must produce using all the Social/ Media Assets which says that we will simultaneously drive up the value of your assets while driving down the Inflation that destroys the cost of your lifestyle.
Because this Requires simultaneously driving Liquidity up while driving Liquidity Down.
Impossible. Yet this is the story the Billionaire class must tell their political consituents if they want to maintain control of the US government.
So how do they do this?
A) They count on the fact that almost nobody understands that Liquidity drives the entire global economy.
B) They never mention the fact that you can not simultaneously Increase and Decrase liquidity.
C) In stead, they get everyone to focus on the minutiae of the economic system (GDP, GDI, GNI, FDI, PCE, PMI, employment figures, stock indices figures etc) without the understanding that these are meaningless outside the context of Global Liquidity.
D) Hope that everyone buys whatever absurd narrative they want to build that will prove they can simultaneoulsy fight inflation (Decrease Liquidity) while increasing assets values (Increase Liquidity).
E) They prosecute or sue into bankruptcy anyone in a position of influence who tries to contradict their narrantive.
Currently the Narative produced by the Billlionaire class is that they will use Tarrifs to both increase liquidity by confiscating a fortune in Liquidity units from other countries (Tarrifs do no such thing. The US consumer pays those increased confiscations) while decreasing liquidity by destroying the liquidity units other countries would otherwise accumulate selling products to the US. (Tarrifs do no such thing - the other countries just sell elsewhere)
The fact that this is a nonsense narrative at every level is irrelevant.
They also have fastened on the narrative that the mass deportation of aliens and their families will make all real Americans richer while driving down the cost of living. How? That's irrelevant.
The fact that every social / media outlet hypes this narrative means that ultimately everyone will agree if possible. Those who don't best just shut up.
The policies are simply diversions.
They are only meant to give cover to the real policy that dominates the real economy domintaed by Billionaires: Liquidity/Debt must be increased day over day, week over week, year over year.
And anything that interferes with this mass Liquidity Drive must be cleaned up/bailed out by the Central Bank whose balance sheet can and will balloon to infinity as the Liquidity Drive turns into periodic Credit Crises.
So if you are not a billionaire how do you invest for this Liquidity Economy?
There is only one asset available to the non billionaire that can withstand the erosion of the value of money and the vicissitudes of the inflation/destruction cycles that accompany the vicissitudes of the debt/liquidity economy - and that is Gold.
Because the price of Gold is constant. It goes up as liquidity rises. And during the draw downs that occur during crises Gold treads water in relation to all other assets that plunge. And then when the central bank bails out the next credit crisis with more liquidity gold rises as liquidity rises.
It is the only monetary asset that is a store of value as well as a unit of account.
That doesn't mean you can't make money in other assets if you are a brilliant trader.
But if you are simply an ordinary dude who just wants to get by and has enough savings to invest, then over time Gold is your best bet.