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Thursday, October 10, 2024



Gold has finally started its long awaited correction.  It has barely taken a pause since it launched from under $2000, had a brief snooze in the $2300 area and then hit its current level of around $2600.

The Chinese announcement that they would pause in their massive stimulus campaign sent all commodities reeling.  And the fact that Israel has not yet hit Iranian oil fields or nuclear facilities has fanned  the eternal hope for a cease fire that has tempered bets on gold and oil. 

But also, just technically, Gold is due for some kind of pullback.  Many Americans are hoping against hope it is a major pullback.  Because either their technical models have been calling for one for a very very long time or - most likely - because they missed the entire run up.

Yes, most Americans have missed the entire run up.  It has been fueled by Asia - China and Japan and India,  Both by Asian Central Banks and Asian consumers.  Throw in Russia and many of the Mid Eastern Sovereign wealth funds and you have the recipe fot this type of move.

And now many Americans are hoping for a big pullback to provide and obvious entry point into this rabid bull market.

Maybe they'll get it.  But the markets rarely ring a bell (as the old saying goes).  Maybe this time will be different.  And maybe gold will simply dip a bit and then launch higher.

We'll see.

But a few things are completely obvious:

1. Israel will hit Iran.  Iran will retaliate.  Things will get much worse before they get better.  That conflict has no solution other than complete victory by one side or the other.  Because both sides have told us that is their position.  And it's not really relevant that those not directly involved (Like the US or the UN or Europe or Russia, or some 18 year old at Harvard) may have another opinion.

That sucks for humanity, but it's good for gold.

2. In the US both candidates have promised unequivically to explode the deficit.  The bipartisan policy center estimates that the Republican budget will increase the deficit by 8 Trillion (over what base?  Who knows.) and the Democrat budget will increase the deficit by 5 Trillion.  But that doesn't take into account things that have not been budgeted for like: Getting involved in the the 2 existing wars.  Dealing with the Immigration crisis.  (In the Republican case creating concentration camps for all the immigrants and then eventually deporting them which should add many many trillions).  Dealing with the massive natural disaster crisis that is developing from climate change,   (For which neither side has anything budgeted to address.)   And dealing with the massive homeless crisis that is affecting all US cities in red and blue states.

And it doesn't take into account the Global depression that will certainly result fromTarrif Wars.

This budget crisis which is really a DEBT CRISIS - sucks for humanity.  But is great for gold.

3. The Asian central bank purchase of gold is a prelude to a gold backed settlement currency to compete with the dollar.  We know this because the BRICS+ countries have told us that that is their intention. We don't know how this will play out but it will be dollar negative and gold positive.

4.  The US investor has not yet caught on to this megatrend that will last for at least the next few years.  When the US investor (That is to say the gambling class of the worlds' largest economy) catches on gold will recieve a massive boost.

So - enjoy the pullback while it lasts,  Whether it's a scary dip or a mild dip - it's a chance to buy cheaper gold.  Take advantage while it lasts.

I doubt anyone will ring a bell when it's over.

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