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Wednesday, October 16, 2024



It's looking increasingly like a regime of Tarrifs will become the economic policy of the United States.  It's shocking that only 90 years since the last regime of Tarrifs - Smoot Hawley Tarrif Act of 1930 not only destroyed the US economy but put the entire Global economy into  a decade long depression.  

Who would want to repeat that?

Someone who has no coneption of US or Global History.

Someone who doesn't understand that Tarrifs are a massive tax on the US consumer.

However, there is a much more pernicious effect of Tarrifs at this moment in US history.

The US enjoys a mighty economic privilige: the US dollar is the GLobal Reserve Currency.  What this means functionally is that we can print money to pay our own debts - AS LONG AS THE REST OF THE WORLD WANTS TO BUY OUR DEBT.

But suddenly for the first time since World War II, much of the world does not want to buy our debt.  In fact they are selling our debt and using the proceeds to buy Gold.  They are replacing the dollar ar their primary resesrve with GOLD.

ENTER TARRIFS..  This becomes a major incentive of CHINA to rapidly increase their dedollarize campaign  and lead the dedollarization camapaigns of the rest of the BRICS+ countries which now include: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa New members: Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates And 17 other countries are applying for membership.


Not everyone does.  

In fact neither candidate for president seems to have any idea this is happening.

But when the tarrifs raise the cost of everything, they will also raise interest rates as other countries 
head for the exits and refuse to buy our debt.  

So the Fed will have to buy all our debt while prices are rising.

And this will make the regeim of Tarrifs into perhaps the dumbest most destrutive

economic act in the history of the US, and perhaps in Global history.

But it will be great for gold!

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