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Thursday, September 19, 2024



Let's say you're one of the very few Investors who have bought into the Gold story. 

Though this is, at present, a story that is very much driven by Central Bank purchasing, and very few US investors have bought in - YET - let's say you're in.  But you're not sure exactly what to do to maximize the value of your position.

It's like any other investment.  You need to diversify within the Gold Universe.

How?  You prepare for the various scenarios in which gold will be needed.

These scenatios include:

A. Inflation.  This is guarnateed by the central bank driven, deficit spending driven, global economy.  Real inflation (as calculated by the metrics the government used back in the 1980's before that fancey hedonic adjustments) has been at between 15 and 22 percent for the last four decades.  Anyone alive spending money who is not a billionaire is sure to have noticed.

B. World War which ruputures supply chains, ratchets up inflation, and increases the chance of real terror inducing disruptions.  There are two significant hot wars going on where Russia. China, and US all have vital interests in the outcomes.  And it is certain China will  move on Taiwan before long.  So 3 vital hot spots that couls easilty metastasize.

C.  A strong man Autocrat seizes control of the US govenment, and takes control of the Fed which will cause a flight from the dollar, especially in the quadrillion dollar derivatives markets.  And when everyone tries to sell at once - financial markets head into crisis.  Again, the only thing keeping the world in the dollar is confidence in the Fed.  It takes a lot of heat from a lot of places.   But no one doubts that they're trying to keep the value of the dollar steady.  If an autocrat takes over the Fed, that confidence will die, and so will the dollar and this will cause havoc in the financial markets

So how to prepare?

A.  Physical gold.  You need some.  And you need it where you can get your hands on it quickly.  A nearby bank vault.  A hole the ground in your back yard.  Somewhere safe, nearby, accesible.

This will be most important for scenearios B and C.  Any breakdown in social order and you need physical gold.  And any breakdown in the financial order and physical might be your only savior.

B. Electronic gold: GLD is the biggest and  most liquid tracking stock.  This is not gold.  They own some gold along with a heavy dose of derivatives.  So in scenario A you can make money of this vehicle and it is far more liquid than physical gold.  I use it.  It's great.  In a true A/B crisis though I'd sell it in a heartbeat.  Because the derivative market can seize up in  a heart beat.

C. Collector Gold.  This market is real.  You can't really rely on experts though, except to explain things to you as you learn about it.  You have to know what you're doing.  But it's well worth learning because the market is big, real, liquid.  The trick is you have to buy and sell through dealers and auction houses.  So you have to pay retail or pay the hammer fees at auction.  Don't let this daunt you.  As the price of the dollar is destroyed through Fed/Treasury printing schemes and through a government drowning in debt that has totally given up on fiscal responsibility the value of collector coins like all hard assets keeps rising.

The trick here is to always remember its a DEMAND DRIVEN market.  Something can be rare and interesting but if nobody cares, the value won't rise.  You have to monitor the market and see what's in demand.   Then you have to get to know and understand areas that interest you and areas in which you have some familiarity through study or heritage or aesthetic appreciation.  Take the time. Learn.  It's worth it.

D, Other types of precious metal etc: Silver, Platinum, Diamonds: all of thse can work.  The problem they are all at the mercy of investor demand.  Gold is the only thing used by Central Banks as a reserve currency.  That is a very major underpinning of the market.  And for this reason, in a real crisis - only Gold is as good as Gold.

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