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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

pretty soon we'll be Greece.


Which of the following is your biggest economic concern?

The Housing Market...................................7%

Unemployment............................................24 %

Taxes............................................................19 %

RISING PRICES..........................................41 %

Other...............................................................7 %

Gee Wilikers, with a Fed, a Financial Press, and a banking system obsessed with battling DEFLATION, how is it then that the American Public seems most worried by Rising Prices?

Didn't they read the Fed minutes?  Can't they understand the Fed target of 2 percent isn't even being met?  Don't they subscribe to the Gartman Letter?  How can they be so stupid as to think they're paying more and more for everything they need when the monetary base is falling?    

Can't they appreciate what a bargain it is to get an 8MP iSight camera bundled into their I-phone 5?   What about 900 channels on Time Warner Cable for just 122 dollars a month?  

For goodness sake when they book in at the Pallas in Davos for this year's conference surely they'll notice how reasonable the Bordeaux are this year. 

By Golly, the 41% that thinks prices are rising must by a subset of the 47% that wants the government to support them which are clearly the same dirty hippies who were screaming about wall street and the 1 percent last year.

Soon we'll be just like Greece.

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