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Sunday, July 7, 2024



According to a recent study by Scott Golloway:

Boomers entering work force average entry level job adjusted for inflation: $70,000 (1970)

Gen Z entering the work force in the average entry level job $56,000

If that doesn't answer why 80 percent of the populace is angry and hopeless...

Add to that:

Annual cost of college as percent of income:

Boomer: 14 %

Gen Z: 42 %

Home price to income ratio

Boomer: 3X

Gen Z: 7X

Cost of McDonalds hamburger and fries 

Boomer (1970) 35 cents

Cost of McDonalds hamburger and fries

Gen Z: $7.75

And even more recently:

Average mortagage payment 2019: $1100

Average mortgage payment 2024: $2300

Average home cost 2019: $290,000

Average home cost 2024: 420,000

Now take into account that when the Government takes its CPI measurements they exclude everything above (Home prices, Education, Food)

Now take the average ounce of gold in 1970: $253

Average ounce of gold 2024: $2350

Take into account that as the debt levels grow in our economy this trend intensifies.

And the debt levels are growing exponentially.

Now think about the value of Gold in protecting your wealth over time....

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