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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

The stability of a fiat currency is based %100 on trust


America still has the biggest and best military in the world.  

But China's is rapidly catching up.  

The US still has the greatest pool of currency currently flooding the world with about 13 trillion US and Euro-dollars combined.

But global dissatisfaction with the weaponization of the dollar has caused a mad scramble to dedollarize.

And the US still has the most stable judiciary in the world so businesses like using dollars because disputes can be adjudicated.

But faith in the US judiciary is at an all time low - especially in the United States.

We are inexplicably attacking ourselves viciously and constantly from within, willfully destroying all of our necessary advantages.

We are the only first world country that has regular debates about whether or not we will honor our debts - or simply say screw you to the world - we're not paying, tough!  We seem quite willing to destroy our own currency and torpedo our own economy if it scores political points for one party over another.

We are also the only first world country  so viciously divided that we are willing to attack our own security forces: Army, FBI, Police if it benefits one party over another.

We even attack our own successul corporations - not over economic issues but strictly for political purposes.

We are also the first world country that has most lost faith in the integrity of our own leadership.  Congress enjoys an 18 percent approval rating.  The US Supreme court enjoys at 40 precent approval rating.  The Police Force in general throughout the country enjoys at 45 percent approval rating.

75 percent of Republicans think Democrats are immoral, dishonest and stupid. 65 percent of Democrats think the same about Republicans.

This is not a political blog.  This is to point out that this poisonous environment we've created for ourselves, is the worst possible environment for maintaining a global reserve currency.  

Other countries, looking at us, are having serious doubts as to the stability of our policies, our alliances and our contracts.

There are still natural bnenefits to the dollar that will support its reserve status. But we are attacking them from within on a daily basis.

The natural beneficiary of this condition is gold.  Because gold is the only other international reserve currency.  And the other central banks of the world understand this and they are loading up on gold.

Maybe you should get some too.

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