Real Gold is selling at $1910 via Wire or $1984 via CC for 1 ounce US Gold Eagles as quoted at Apmex, the largest US gold retailer, this morning. You can probably find these a few dollars cheaper here and there - if you can find them. The probelm is they are hard to source even at these high prices.
Why? Because few holding real gold want to sell even at this high premium over paper/fake gold. Precisely because the paper/fake price is controlled by the Fed via a few Bullion Banks, mainly J. P. Morgan Chase who flood the futures market with massive short contracts and then buy back once they've forced everyone else to sell. It's free money for them. They keep getting slap on the wrist fines from the SEC that amount t0 pennies on the billions they're making from this free money scheme, so why should they stop doing it?
Yesterday the DXY (dollar index) tumbled - but paper gold went up and then was driven back down, causing many small traders to dump their positions in frustration. Then magically over night the futures price soared 20 dollars so every small trader can struggle to get back in this morning - just in time for the Cartel Traders to take their money again. If you don't believe me read the justice department article below: (market manipulation scheme)
1 oz American Gold Eagle Coin BU (Random Year) $1,984.36 (via cc or paypal) $1910 (Via wire transfer)
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