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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Why Ancient Greek?

There are those aware of issues such as hypothecation risk, bail-ins, eminent domain confiscations, and systemic derivative counter party risk.

And there are those who simply get the edgy feeling that things are somehow grossly out of whack.

Both parties are currently seeking some sort hard asset protection - just in case.

So, at some point they might ask: why Ancient Greek Coins?

For starters

A) Precedent.  From about 650 BCE to 1971 AD Gold (and silver) coinage has been the principal store of wealth for human beings.  And for another 2000 years before that the same is true for gold and silver in bar and ingot form.

B) Intrinsic Value as Historical Documents.  The coins of each era contain pertinent information about the political, military, and economic history of that era.  Many of them portray the only surviving portraits of the most important figures of world history.  Their metal content and manufacture hold the secret to the geology and technologies that formed the worlds great economies.  Their inscriptions give clues to languages long since defunct, and personages and cities otherwise lost to history.

But this is true for many types of coinage.  So: why Ancients Greek Coins?

Because the coinage of Greece and the Black Sea Area (Turkey) are the world's first coins.  And as such, the belong to every culture that owes a debt to classical Greece.

What debt?  Alphabetic Language.  Philosophy.  Syllogistic reasoning.  Aesthetics.  Drama.  Epic.  Myth.

All of these elements both inform and are alluded to in one form or another in the coinage of the Ancient Greeks.  The greatest artists of classical Greece were invited to design the coinage by ruling tyrants and councils.  Each Polis competed to present not only the most beautiful coins, but also coins that told the story of that region.  Its mythological roots.  Its military conquests.  Its economic strengths. It's architectural triumphs.

And as such Ancient Greek coins are both art objects and historical documents that transcend the borders and cultures of the modern world.  And they are equally valued by all cultures that value culture, art and history.

Best of all - back to precedent: this has been true now for 2500 years.  It is likely to remain true indefinitely into the future.

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