They differ from their Tea Party brethren in many superficial respects. The largest is that the OWS crowd is for transfer payments to everyone, the Tea Party against transfer payments to the poor. This difference is trumpeted to the heavens on Fox News (though they put it differently) - but it amounts to nothing - in economic terms.
They agree in that they're both against bank subsidies in the form of bailouts. This is good start. A cause for common solutions. If only there were some philosophical overlap that gave cover to collusion.
Unfortunately neither group understands the reason that the bailouts will never end until the entire economic system collapses. That reason is that the banks - not the governments - are firmly in control of the issue and distribution of MONEY. To understand this process - to follow it from inception through to final distribution is to understand that the problems of excessive debt will never be dealt with until the Banks - who control the world governments - are forced to become entities engaged SOLEY in loans made with CASH ON RESERVE.
To achieve this, the money itself must have intrinsic value i.e. - it must be silver and gold.
Anyone who understands this, will realize immediately that this means a massive contraction of the world economy. That is their objection. But that will happen anyway. The only question if from what point?
Anyone who doesn't understand this must make the effort to understand it. Because it is only from an informed perspective that the 99 percent can force the 1 percent to reform.
The one politician who understands this and who has proposed meaningful solutions is Ron Paul. He is the one candidate who realizes that without hard money the banks will always be able to rape the economy.
OWS and the Tea Party have not yet realized that he is the candidate who can unite them to resolve their real concern and their real discontent: The Banks are cheating everybody by continuously devaluing everyone's currency. It is the reason nobody but the 1 percent - the banks and those closest to the banks - can afford anything.
In time, OWS will learn that fixing the banking problem outweighs their concerns for more transfer payments. In time the TEA PARTY will learn that fixing the banking problem far outweighs their desire for More Wars (social, political, military). And when it does Ron Paul will be swept into office and real reform will follow.